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General Information

Circular 1 1937 Instructions for Well Gage Observers in North Dakota
Circular 2 1938  Instructions for Observers of Municipal Wells
Circular 3 1938 Maps and Graphs Prepared for the Water Resources Committee
North Dakota State Planning Board
Circular 4 1939 Instructions for Recorders in Well Survey of North Dakota
Circular 5  1954 Well Data and Tops of Significant Wells
1955 1955 Supplement
1966 10th Revision, 1st Supplement

Oil Well Summaries

Circular Number

Operator/Well Name

API Number


16 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 Henry O. Bakken 32 33-105-00005 SWNW Sec. 12, T.157N., R.95W.
55 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 Palmer Dilland 35 33-105-00007 SWNE Sec. 31, T.156N., R.95W.
76 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - ND "E"#1 144 33-105-00035 NWNW Sec. 16, T.154N., R.95W.
78 Champlin Refining Co. - #1 Elmer Tank 48 33-105-00012 NESE Sec. 7, T.156N., R.96W.
87 Williston Basin Oil Ventures - #1 Swanson 70 33-105-00030 SWSE Sec. 10, T.156N., R.96W.
199 Texas Co. - #1 Joseph Donahue 999 33-105-00423 SWNE Sec. 23, T.154N, R.100W.
204 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 Clarence Iverson 25 33-105-00121 SWSW Sec. 6, T.155N., R.95W.
210 Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 Iverson Nelson 1231 33-105-00495 SENE Sec. 2, T.155N., R.96W.


Amerada Petrol. Corp. - #1 Pederson-Cater 2182 33-105-00560 NESW Sec. 21, T.158N., R.95W.
259 Hunt Oil Co. - #1 Clifford Price 2824 33-105-00590 SWNE Sec. 29, T.159N., R.103W.
Further Information is available from Oil and Gas Division on a Subscription basis.
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North Dakota Geological Survey
Last modified:03/20/2008